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anne marie chabbert oenologue champagne

Anne-Marie Chabbert’s vision of champagne is based on both an observation and a firm standpoint which is the result of 27 years of experience in the field: she believes that consumers have the choice between three main types of champagnes


Firstly, the type which is sought after for its status; the kind people mainly buy for the brand name. Secondly, the type which is sought after for its price tag; the kind people mainly buy for its affordability. 


Thirdly, the type Anne-Marie appreciates the most: a champagne which is noble yet humble, boasting no extravagant bottle but simply a reasonable price matching its inner quality and elegance. Where an enticing stream of bubbles marks it out in the glass and Champagne’s prestigious designation of origin marks it out in the bottle. 


Taste is the fruit of a long journey which inevitably leads to knowledge. Indeed in French, the words flavour  and knowledge share the same origin. It is no surprise to the French, then, that the highest form of knowledge comes via your taste buds! 

Top tip: wine is not always easy to appreciate so familiarise yourself with the associated terminology and tasting approach. Q&A : How can you tell the good from the bad? Champagne’s sparkle and traditional status as the "Wine of Kings" make tasting it somewhat more complex. You will need to learn about wine descriptors and how to use them. 


Anne-Marie has chosen to talk about champagnes from the perspective of the wine found in their composition. There are two reasons for this: firstly, because nothing means more to a wine expert than what makes up a champagne. Secondly, because the magic of Taste resides in the champagnes which Anne-Marie so loves – a balance, a harmony, a rhythm, a dynamic, even a certain resonance which comes from the polymorphous sensory notes of champagne, the whole ensemble combining in a perfectly tuned gustatory chord. Anne-Marie’s approach to champagnes is based on her feelings and is therefore very personal.

Mon parcours pas à pas...

From her first contact with Champagnes wines, Anne-Marie Chabbert was observed between the language of the consumer and that of the oenologist. She understood that the share of wine was hidden, forgotten in the discourse on "Champagne", the festive drink par excellence, of all celebrations, the unbeatable nectar of kings ... Anne-Marie Chabbert was technical reporter, assistant editor and founder of the monthly "La Vigne" from 1987 to 1991

logo comité champagne

Anne-Marie Chabbert then began a career as a communication officer with the Interprofessional Committee for Champagne Wine (CIVC) from 1991 to 2003. She was the linchpin of the communication campaign called "Les Mots pour les Dire" and the creation of the Cave Pédagogique, highlighting the part of occulted language, mostly verbal, this part of wine in Champagne, further from the dream and so true.

Dès 2004, mon envie de valoriser les marques des Vignerons et des Maisons de Champagne m’a amenée à travailler en indépendante comme Consultante et Formatrice en stratégie de communication (EURL Stratégie des Sens) avec comme leitmotiv de révéler les richesses générées par la diversité des Vins de Champagne et leur subtile complicité avec la gastronomie (Atelier "champagnes A Table").

Aujourd’hui, je poursuis ma route en France avec les Ateliers FEEL pour l’Education au Goût des champagnes avec comme finalité d'être une Ambassadrice partagée

et engagée des champagnes que je sélectionne, que je déniche, que je défriche. Ceux que j'aime par dessus tout. Ceux qui ne sont pas chez tous les cavistes. 

image vigne avec un cheval
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